Laurence Roulleau-Berger - For non-hegemonic social sciences: from China to Europe
Laurence Roulleau-Berger's speech in the Seminar of the 20 years of LSH at the ENS of Lyon, Thursday March 18, 2021, 2:00-3:00 PM

Doctorat Honoris Causa for Pr Li Peilin, Price Maurice Courant for Pr Laurence Roulleau-Berger and LIA 6th anniversary
Three important celebrations for one day, June 28, 2018
Gender, Migration, Emotion
Workshop TRIANGLE, ENS Lyon- Institute of Sociology, CASS-School of Political Science and Sociology, Shanghai University
Conference LIA « What is Post-Western Sociology? »
Department of Sociology, Nankin, 27-28 october 2017 Peking University, Department of sociology and Triangle ENS Lyon
13 november 2017: International seminar "Young migrants, public action and social mobilizations in Lyon, Shanghai and Milano
Seminar organized under LIA "Post Western Sociology in France and China" in partnership between ENS Lyon and Shanghai University under the CMIRA program "Young workers, economic marginalization, and urban skills in Lyon, Shanghai and Milano"
6 november 2017 : International Seminar "New international migrants, inequalities and cosmopolitism in Lyon, Paris, Shanghai and Milano"
Seminar organized under LIA Post Western Sociology in France and China in partnership between ENS Lyon, Shanghai University and East China Normal University under the JORISS program "FORCED MOBILITIES, URBAN GOVERNMENT AND "RIGHT TO THE CITY" IN EUROPE AND IN CHINA "
4/10/2017 : Professeur Chang Kyung Sup : « Compressed Modernity in Perspective : Constitutive Dimensions, Manifesting Units and Historical Conditions »
Conference organized under LIA Post Western Sociology in France and in China and under the "Axe Sciences Sociales et circulations des savoirs". 4th october 2017, 13h-15H, at ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, room D4.260