Working papers
French Opening Ceremony
January 23, 2014 - January 24, 2014, LIA French Opening Ceremony (CNRS/CASS) : « Post-Western Sociologies and Fieldwork in France and in China », at ENS of Lyon
"The fabric of sociological knowledge"
October 17, 2014 : The 3rd Sino-French LIA Conference at Beijing University, China
LIA International Postgraduate Seminar
October 23, 2014 - October 24th, 2014 : Cities, Immigration and Work at Shanghai University
"Doing Post-Western Sociology"
June 24, 2015 - June 25, 2015 : “Post-Western Sociologies in France and in China” International Associated Laboratory Conference.
"Metropolis, Urban Governance and Citizenship in China and in Europe"
November 28, 2015 and november 29, 2015 : International Associated Laboratory (LIA) CNRS-ENS Lyon/Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing)/Shanghai University “Post-Western Sociologies in France and in China” At Shanghai University
Urban communauties and « right to the city »
2016 July the 18, 19 and 20, Workshop LIA CNRS-ENS Lyon/CASS Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology, ENS Lyon, Triangle Laboratory
Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology (2)
2016 September 19, 20, 21 th CASS
Young Migrants, Public Action and Social Mobilization in Lyon, Milan And Shanghai
Workshop at SHU, November 13 2017
Inequalities, Mobilization and Citizenship in Europe and in China
Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology : Inequalities, mobilization and citizenship 2017 February the 6, ENS Lyon
International PhD Seminar November 11th 2017 at Shanghai University
Shanghai University, School of Sociology and Political Science (host), ENS Lyon-TRIANGLE UMR5206