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You are here: Home / Events / Congress / French Opening Ceremony

French Opening Ceremony

January 23, 2014 - January 24, 2014, LIA French Opening Ceremony (CNRS/CASS) : « Post-Western Sociologies and Fieldwork in France and in China », at ENS of Lyon

Conference January 23, 2014 : Traditions, controversies and trajectories of sociologies in France and in China (2)

This conference aims to reveal the dynamics of knowledge exchange, evaluation and hybridization that have developed beyond the hegemonic Western models, disrupting and challenging them.

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Conference January 24, 2014 : Uncertainties, Social Conflict and Mobilizations in China and in Europe

According to Beck European societies have entered a second phase of modernity characterized by the need to face up simultaneously to processes of individualization, underemployment and environmental and financial risks at a global level. However, this second phase of modernity cannot be considered without also taking account of the various forms of modernity in other parts of the world. From this point of view, the second phase of modernity can be considered only in conjunction with the modernity of other societies, such as Chinese society.

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