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You are here: Home / Events / Congress / What is Post-Western Sociology?

What is Post-Western Sociology?

Nanjing University Host-Organizer : Department of Sociology, Nanjing University Co-Organizer : Institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Triangle, ENS lyon
When Oct 27, 2017 09:00 AM to
Oct 28, 2017 06:00 PM
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27th, October 2017


8:00-8:30 Open ceremony

Chair : Cheng Boqing (Dean, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Nanjing University)

Speeches of :

Li Peilin (Vice President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Laurence Roulleau-­‐Berger (Research Director, CNRS, Triangle, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Li Youmei (President, Chinese Sociological Association)

Xie Lizhong ( Chair, Theoretical Sociology section of Chinese Sociological Association)


8 :30-­‐10 :30  Session 1  Chair : Xie Lizhong


8 :30-9 :00 Speaker1:

Laurence   Roulleau-­‐Berger   (Research   Director   at   CNRS,   Triangle,   Ecole   Normale Supérieure de Lyon) : Post-­‐Western Sociology in China and in France : knowledge niches, intermediary and transnational epistemic spaces

9 :00-­‐9 :30  Speaker2:

Li Peilin (Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) : Consumption and middle income group in China.

9 :30-10 :00 Speaker3:

Li Youmei (President of Chinese Sociological Association ,Vice President of Shanghai Academy): Reflection upon Fei Xiaotong’s reserch paradigm

10 :00-10 :30 Discussants : Xie Lizhong , Michel Lallement


10 :30-­‐12 :30  Session 2  Chair : Svetla KOLEVA


10 :30-­‐11 :00  Speaker1:

Qu Jingdong (Professor, Sociology department at Peking University) : Learn from the Chinese history

11 :00-11:30 Speaker2:


Stéphane Dufoix (Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris Nanterre): Towards a World Attempt at Global Sociology ?

11:30-12:00 Speaker3:

Yang Dian (Professor , institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): The Chinese Experience and the Rise of Post-­‐Western Sociology

12 :00-12 :30 Discussants : Svetla KOLEVA , Xiaoying


12 :30-14 :00 Lunch

14 :00-­‐16 :00  Session 3  Chair : Li Youmei 14:00-­‐14 :30  Speaker1 :

Cheng Boqing (Professor and Dean, School of Social and behavioral Sciences at Nanjing University) : Self, Enlightenment and Mobilization: Modern Tranformation of Confucian Spirit


14 :30-15 :00 Speaker2 :


Christine Détrez (Professor of sociology in ENS de Lyon) : Rethinking contemporary sociology with the gender lens.


15 :00-15 :30 Speaker3 :


Sun Feiyu (Associate Professor, Sociology department at Peking University) : Producing Society or the Self-­‐producing of SocietyA Study of an NGO'S Predicament on Poverty Reduction.


15 :30-16 :00 Speaker4 :


Xiao Ying (Professor and dean, Sociology department at Shanghai University) :

Historical turn in Chinese sociology


16 :00-16 :30 Discussants : Li Youmei, Stéphane Dufoix


16 :30-18 :30 Session 4 Chair : Christine Détrez


16 :30-­‐17 :00  Speaker1 :


Michel Lallement (Professor of Sociology at the CNAM): The sociology always in quest for community ? The case of America’s communal utopias


17 :00-17 :30 Speaker2 :


He Rong (Professor , institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Science): Ethnicity, Religion and State Building: Based on Sutra Translation of Han-­‐ and Tibetan Buddhism in modern China


17 :30-18:00 Speaker3 :


Yang Der-Ruey (Associate Professor, School of Social and behavioral Sciences at Nanjing University) : The Rising of Han Chinese Nationalism in Internet Taoism


18 :00-18 :30 Discussants : Christine Détrez, Qu Jingdong


28th, October 2017


8 :30-­‐11:00  Session 5  Chair : Laurence Roulleau-­‐Berger


8 :30-9 :00 Speaker1:

Svetla KOLEVA (Research Director at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Doing Post-­‐Western Sociology in Central and Eastern Europe before and after 1989: Some Epistemological Questions

9 :00-­‐9 :30  Speaker2:

Zheng Zhen(Associate Professor, School of Social and behavioral science at Nanjing University) : Relationism: A Chinese Perspective

9 :30-10 :00 Speaker3:

Xie Lizhong (Professor, Sociology department at Peking University) : Post-western sociology :what and why ?

10 :00-10 :30  Discussants : Laurence Roulleau-­‐Berger, Cheng Boqing

10 :30-11 :00 Conclusion Chair : Cheng Boqing

Speaker : Li Peilin, Laurence Roulleau-­‐Berger, LI Youmei, Xie Lizhong

12 :00 Lunch