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You are here: Home / Events / Workshops / « What is Post-Western Sociology? »

« What is Post-Western Sociology? »

Department of Sociology, Nankin, 27-28 october 2017 Peking University, Department of sociology and Triangle ENS Lyon
When Oct 27, 2017 08:00 AM to
Oct 28, 2017 02:00 PM
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27th, octobre 2017

8:00-8:30  Open ceremony

Speeches of :

Li Peilin (Vice President of Chinese Academic of Social Science)

Laurence Roulleau-Berger (Research Director at CNRS, Triangle, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) 

Li Youmei (President of Chinese Sociological Association)

Zhou Xiaohong (Dean, School of Social and behavioral science at Nanjing University)  

Xie Lizhong ( Chair, Theoretical sociology branch of Chinese Sociological Association)


8 :30-10 :30  Session 1  Chair : Zhou Xiaohong


8 :30-9 :00  Speaker1:

Laurence Roulleau-Berger (Research Director at CNRS, Triangle, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) : Post-Western Sociology in China and in France : knowledge niches, intermediary and transnational epistemic spaces

9 :00-9 :30  Speaker2:

Li Peilin (Vice President of Chinese Academic of Social Science) : Consumption and middle income group in China.

9 :30-10 :00  Speaker3:

Li Youmei (President of Chinese Sociological Association ,Vice President of Shanghai Academic): Constructing the academic discourse for sociology with Chinese characteristics ( ?)

10 :00-10 :30  Discussion:


10 :30-12 :30  Session 2  Chair : Laurence Roulleau-Berger 


10 :30-11 :00  Speaker1:

Qu Jingdong (Professor, Sociology department at PekingUniversity)  : Learn from the Chinese history ( ?)

11 :00-11:30   Speaker2:

Stéphane Dufoix (Professor of Sociology at the Universityof ParisNanterre): Towards a World Attempt at Global Sociology ?

11:30-12:00   Speaker3:  

Zhou Xiaohong (Professor and Dean, Schoolof Socialand behavioral science at NanjingUniversity)  : Chinese study and Chinese sociology ( ?)

12 :00-12 :30  Discussion :

12 :30-14 :00  Lunch


14 :00-16 :00  Session 3  Chair : Li Youmei


14 :00-14 :30  Speaker1 :


Ahmed Boubeker (Professor of Sociology, University of Saint-Etienne, University of Lyon and Deputy Director of the UMR Center Max Weber Laboratory): Postcolonial Islam and ethnicity in France


14 :30-15 :00  Speaker2 :


Cheng Boqing (Professor, Sociology Social and behavioral science at Nanjing University) : The social logic of clan interests ( ?)


15 :00-15 :30  Speaker3 :


Yang Dian (Professor , institute of sociology, Chinese Academic of Social Science): Economic Sociology Research in Chinese sociology ( ?)


15 :30-16 :00   Discussion:



16 :00-18 :00  Session 4  Chair : Stéphane Dufoix


16 :00-16 :30  Speaker1 :


Xiao Ying (Professor and dean, Sociology department at Shanghai University) : Historical turn in Chinese sociology ( ?)


16 :30-17 :00  Speaker2 :


Christine Détrez (professor of sociology in ENS de Lyon) : Rethinking contemporary sociology with the gender lens.


17 :00-17 :30  Speaker3 :


Sun Feiyu (Associate Professor, Sociology department at Peking University) : Producing Society or the Self-producing of SocietyA Study of an NGO'S Predicament on Poverty Reduction.


17 :30-18 :00  Discussion :


28th, octobre 2017

8 :30-10 :30  Session 5  Chair : Svetla KOLEVA


8 :30-9 :00  Speaker1:

Michel Lallement (Professor of Sociology at the CNAM):  America’s communal utopias : morphology, values and practices

9 :00-9 :30  Speaker2:

Xie Lizhong (Professor, Sociology department at PekingUniversity) : Post-western sociology :what and why ?

9 :30-10 :00  Speaker3:

He Rong (Professor , institute of sociology, Chinese Academic of Social Science): Religious Studies in China ( ?)

10 :00-10 :30  Discussion :


10 :30-12 :30  Session 6  Chair : Xie Lizhong


10 :30-11 :00  Speaker1:

Svetla KOLEVA (Research Director at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Doing Post-Western Sociology in Central and Eastern Europe before and after 1989: Some Epistemological Questions


11 :00-11:30   Speaker2: Zheng Zhen(Associate Professor, Schoolof Socialand behavioral science at NanjingUniversity) : Relationism: A Chinese Perspective

11:30-12:00  Discussion :

12 :00-12 :30  Conclusion : Li Peilin, Laurence Roulleau-Berger, LI Youmei, Zhou Xiaohong, Xie Lizhong


12 :30-14 :00  Lunch