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You are here: Home / Events / Workshops / Workshop: Inequalities, mobilization and citizenship

Workshop: Inequalities, mobilization and citizenship

February 6-10, 2017: Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology (3): Inequalities, mobilization and citizenship, ENS Lyon

Workshop 9-10 february 2017

With the creation of the LIA Post-Western Sociologies in France and in China, in the Chinese Opening Conference in 2013 November on the 9th and 10th at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and in the French Opening Conference on French and Chinese experiences at the ENS of Lyon in 2014 January on the 23th and 24th we already began to identify Post-Western Sociology. In the Conference at Beijing University in 2014 October the 17th and 18th The fabric sociological knowledge drawing on French and Chinese experiences, in the Conference Metropolis, Urban Governance and Citizenship in China and in Europe on November 28, 29 at Shanghai University, and in the Conference Doing Post-Western Sociology June 2015 24th, 25th, 26th at ENS of Lyon, we analyzed how a post-Western space has come into being in which sociological knowledge is emerging that is both specific and shared and in which theoretical methodologies are gathered on the basis of very different histories and traditions.

After the Workshop Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology (1) 2016 July the, 18, 19, 20 at ENS Lyon (1), the Workshop  Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology (2) 2016 September  19, 20, 21 th  at CASS, in this Workshop Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology : Inequalities, Mobilization and Citizenship (3) we will continue to  examine how research practices and sociological knowledge are constructed by analyzing the similar and different forms of field experience in Chinese and French sociology.

In Europe like in China the wage-earning societies went through a dramatic change as the inequalities between social positions increased. Access to ressources and goods is becoming less and less common, while there are more and more people who lack resources and face the risk of the space public material poverty, while being less and less protected and cared by the welfare system. Mass unemployment, growing uncertainties in work relations and labor, the decline of institutions and the recomposition of new institutional forms, new modernity is mostly about the wavering of an actor relentlessly forced to define again and again his place and his identity. On the one hand, social, economic and ethnical inequalities keep growing, along with new forms of exploitation, reject, stigmatization and even destitution of the “weakest”. On the other hand, cultural domination, recognition denial and disrespect create situations of injustice. Exploited workers, young people facing high uncertainties, migrants, and ethnic minorities subject to racial discrimination, are all prime examples of these processes. Citizens in Europe and in China have to develop individual and collective mobilizations to access to the public space and « to be a citizen ».

Recognition demands thus increase with the rising number of conflicting socialization and recognitions situations, as the actors have to keep redefining their place and identities as citizens. As violence and sufferings become more common in public space, recognition demands are upheld disclosing structural emergencies, anomie areas, all symptoms of social, cultural and economic breaching. Many recognition policies were enabled to respond to these demands, paradoxically producing micro-segregations  as the different forms which socially confirm or support the individuals are thoroughly tested. Recognition demands are indeed expressed in many different ways. Less qualified young people living in segregated neighborhoods, the long-term unemployed, unauthorized migrants, all of which upheld different recognition demands, are more or less visible or quiet in the public space. These recognition demands arise from social, economic and ethnical inequalities and the experience of disrespect, social domination and recognition denial. Demands for recognition can break into public space at any time as social movements, riots, rebellions (for example in workers’ neighbourhoods). In such instances, they force a redistribution of social and public recognition and redefine the hierarchy of identities by questioning what is “common decency” in a given society (Margalit 1999). So what about a survival’s policy ? What does it mean « to be a citizen » in contemporary societies ? How to access to public space ?

 Arrangements and disjunctions between different places of knowledge  are constructed through scientific fieldwork and sociological methods. Here, this raises the Issue of the development of sociological knowledge in a Post-Western conceptual space. It is thus necessary to show the similarities of uses of sociological methods in Europe - especially in France - and in China, which reveal active constructions in the circulation of knowledge.

PDF Program


 PART 1 : Workshop Inequalities, mobilization and citizenship

February 2017 Monday  the 6


Salle 1 place de l'école Site Monod - ENS Lyon


9h30-10h :Introduction by Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at CNRS and French Director of the LIA, and  Zhao Kebin, Vice-Director at Institute of Sociology, CASS 


Session 1: Inequalities, Mobilization and Citizenship

Discussants : Liu Yuzhao, Professor of sociology at Shanghai University and Michel Kokoreff, Professor of sociology at University Paris 8

10h-10h30 : Laurence Roulleau-Berger , Research Director at CNRS and French Director of the LIA: Migration, economies and moral boundaries in French cities

10h30-11h : Shi Yunqing, Associate Professor of sociology at CASS : State, individuals and resistances in China

11h-11h30 : Agnès Deboulet, Professor of sociology at University of Paris 8 : Urban democraty and citizen’s knowledge

11h30-12h : Yang Der-rui, Associate Professor of sociology at Nanjing University : Housing and education as the mechanisms of polarization in China todayan ethnographical investigation

13h30-14h15 : Discussion of Session 1

14h15-14h45 Synthesis of Session 1 by Loïs Bastide, Post-Doctorant in sociology at University of Geneva 


Session 2 : Collective action and struggle for justice

Discussants : Agnès Deboulet, Professor of sociology at Paris 8 and Yang Derrui, Assistant Professor of sociology at Nanjing University

15h00- 15h30 : Michel Kokoreff, Professor of sociology at University Paris 8 : From the 2005 riot's to "Nuit debout" : fractures and transformations

15h30-16h : He Rong, Professor of sociology at CASS : Borderland and Border: A Weberian Approach

16h-16h30 : Valérie Sala Pala, Professor  of political science at University Jean Monnet: Do riots matter? A City after riots

16h30-17h : Liu Yuzhao, Professor of sociology at Shanghai University : Social boundaries and transactions in Chinese villages

17h-17h45 : Discussion

17h45-18h15 : Synthesis of Session 2 by Marie Bellot, Ph.D.Student, Triangle


February 2017 Tuesday  the 7


Salle 1 place de l'école Site Monod - ENS Lyon


Session 3 : Mobilizations, action and space

Discussants : Shi Yunqing, Associate Professor of sociology at CASS  and Michel Kokoreff, Professor of sociology at University Paris 8

9h30-10h : Samadia Sadouni, Associate Professor in political science at IEP Lyon : Feminist Muslims and struggle for equity in South of Africa

10h-10h30 : Chen Manqi, Associate Professor of sociology at CASS  : Relational mobility and migration intention

10h30-11h : Loïs Bastide, Post-Doctorant in sociology at University of Geneva :  Struggles for space and the social, cultural and political production of borders in Malaysia

11h15-12h : Discussion

12h-12h30 : Synthesis of Session 3 by Verena Richardier, Ph D.Student at Triangle


PART 2 : Doing fieldwork together

February Tuesday the 7

Fieldwork 1


14h30-17h :  Urban visit of La Guillotière : meeting with institutionnal actors and young ethnic entrepreneurs


February Wednesday the 8

Fieldwork 2

9h30-12h30  : Presentation and visit of the GPV Vénissieux .Discussion about :

-history of urban and social morphology of Vénissieux

- urban policy and public action

- participative democraty and citizenship


Fieldwork 3


15h-18h : Doing exploratory fieldwork in La Duchère and meeting with inhabitants

*15h-17h : To be citizen in working suburbs

*17h-18h30 : Racism, integration and young descendants of immigrants


February Thursday the 9

Fieldwork 4


9h30-12h : Urban visit in Firminy Vert  in a working suburb


PART 3 : Fieldwork and crossed sociological analysis


February Thursday  the 9

Salle 1 place de l'école Site Monod - ENS Lyon


15h-17h30 : Crossed analysis about meeting with institutional and political actors in Firminy, Vénissieux, La Guillotière


February Friday the 10

Salle R 253-site Descartes - Triangle ENS Lyon


9h30-12h : Crossed sociological analysis of

* biographies of young migrants or descendants of immigrants

* sociological analysis of ethnic entrepreneurs

13h30-14h30 : Conclusion 

Theoritical continuities and discontinuities between Chinese and French sociological perspectives on « Inequalities, mobilization and citizenship » by Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Liu Yuzhao and He Rong.

14h30-16h : Organization of LIA Research Programs 2017-2018