Qualified young chinese migrants, globalized work, migratory skills in France and China
The research team consisted of: Yan Jun, lecturer, Department of political Sciences and sociology, Université de Shanghai ; Marie Bellot, PhD student at Triangle, ENS Lyon; Grégory Giraudo, Post-PhD at Triangle, ENS Lyon; Victor Rémy, PhD student at Triangle, ENS Lyon; Rozenn Bahuaud, PhD student at Triangle, ENS Lyon; Liu Ziqin, Post-PhD at Triangle, ENS Lyon; Sofiane Bouzid, Statistician at l’ISH of Lyon; Céline Faure, Statistician at l’ISH of Lyon; Su Liang, Gao Zijun, Jiang Yin, Lin Chenxing, Lin Zheng, Zhu Shendan, Liu Yong, Master student, Department of political Sciences and sociology, University of Shanghai.