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You are here: Home / research / Fieldwork experiences / Fieldwork experiences in France / La Duchère gallery

La Duchère gallery

La Duchère is a district of the city of Lyon. Till the 1950’s, La Duchère is mostly farming lands. During late 1950’s and early 1960’s, this place has been the scene for the building of a new neighborhood to face a lack of housing in Lyon (some destructions during world war II, lots of housing in the neighboring working district of Vaise that are insalubrious, massive arrival of French people that use to live in Algeria before the independance of the latter in 1962. Beginning in the 1980’s, La Duchère district saw its number of inhabitants decrease, in particular because of the decohabitation within the homes linked to the aging of the population. In the 1990s, urban renewal programs began. Although the neighborhood is today marked and recognized for these urban renovation programs, strong social inequalities remain,  with for example an unemployment rate higher than the average of the city of Lyon.